Tuesday, May 20, 2014


The Solar Tree is a combination of artistic and technological effort which exists as a form of solar artwork.
Due to the growing population and enormous energy demand, there use of renewable resources of energy is the need of the hour. Solar energy is one of the best option for us. India is highly populated country, so we should take advantage of such an energy source which requires very little space to set up.
The solar tree is a revolutionary urban lighting concept that represents a perfect symbiosis between pioneering design n cutting-edge eco-compatible technology. Solar tree opens up new prospects for urban lighting that satisfies today's most pressing environment, social, culture and aesthetic demands.
A solar tree is a decorative means of producing solar energy and also electricity. It uses multiple number of solar panels which forms the shape of a tree. The panel are arranged in a tree fashion in a tall tower/pole.
TREE stands for
T- Tree generating
R- Renewable
E- Energy 
E- Electricity.
This is a tree in which the stem connected act as the branches of the tree and the solar panels acts as the leaves. Green leaves are producing food materials for human being likewise these leaves are producing energy for the society. So it is very appropriate to call it a tree.
The solar tree panels charge batteries during the day. At dusk the solar tree automatically switches on its LEDs. The internal control can also regulate the amount of light produced depending on how much charge is left in batteries. 
We can also use the techniques called "SPIRALLING PHYLLATAXY" to improve the efficiency of the plant. It can be applied in street lightening system, industrial power supply etc. It is much better the traditional solar PV system.
It is one form of a renewable energy resource that is some measure competitive with fossil fuels.
Solar energy is available in abundance and considering as easiest and cleanest mean of tapping the renewable energy. For direct conversation of solar radiation into usable form, the roots are: solar thermal, solar photo-voltaic and solar architecture. However the main problem associated with tapping solar energy is the requirement to install large solar collectors which requires enormous space. To avoid the problems we can install one solar tree instead.

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